Wallabies, Koalas, and Wombats, Oh My!

The zoo in Canberra is quite the treat.  We went a couple weekends ago and had a great time.  We arrived at the zoo at 10AM and stayed almost until it closed. There was so much to see.  Mike commented on how active the animals all seemed. It was the end of the fall school holidays here, so the zoo was really crowded. But the animals seemed to be ready for the crowds.  It felt like a good show. 

Here is a wombat:




Sleeping Koala

We brought along "flat Ms. Harkness" (a 2d representation of the girls Kindergarten teacher, who always wanted to visit Australia:


The Zoo also has a great "adventure playground" which frankly I thought the girls were just a smidge too big for, but they had a really good time playing at nonetheless. It was a fun filled day.

They have a hotel on site, with rooms where you can like walk to the balcony and feed giraffes or something like that. Lauren thought it was the coolest thing on the planet and wanted us to do it sometime while we are here, but I looked into it and they want, I kid you not, over $2500 a NIGHT.  So yeah, that is never happening.  

All in all though the zoo was really fun. If you are ever in Canberra, I suggested you give it a try.
