Burger Anyone?

Another thing we have discovered is that burgers are not the same here. The first few we’ve had have just been a bit off. Someone we work with explained that the Australians mince their burger meat A LOT more, which gives the burgers a totally different feel. We’ve had a few that somehow end up feeling more like a meatloaf than a burger patty. But not only that, they put different things on them. Some places have too sweet of pickles on them, which changes the taste of the burger over all.  Another place had regular pickles but had so much mustard, it ended up tasting more like a hotdog. 

However, one day, at work, Mike and I had what was listed as an “Aussie Burger.” This thing was a piece of work.  This is a list of the ingredients stacked like the burger was:

BBQ Sauce
Fried Egg
Pineapple Ring
Burger meat
Mixed greens
Bottom bun

I couldn’t make my way through it.  It was WAY too sweet. I actually didn’t find the beet too offensive.  But the pineapple ring and the BBQ sauce were too weird for me.

They seem to like BBQ sauce here.  They also had BBQ inside a breakfast burrito (brekkie wrap). BBQ does not belong in a breakfast burrito.  I’m waiting to see where else it shows up. 

That’s all for this week!
