Week 2 (From Lauren's Perspective)

Date: April 16 2022 Where: Australia

This is week two of being in Australia. Here are some words that are different in Australia: 

US word= Australian word

Jello = jelly in Australia 
Jelly = jam in Australia 
Chips = crips in Australia 
French fries = chips in Australia 
Ketchup = tomato sauce in Australia 
4th grade = year four in Australia 

We tried Vegemite. In our opinion it was not good. It reminded me of tomato soup, in a bad way. We also tried meat pie. Meat pie is like pie but replace the inside, with meat. My mom and my sister liked it and I thought it was okay. We tried it at this restaurant called Sonoma. I tried a almond croissant there and it was amazing.  

We saw a big kangaroo in our neighborhood we named Big Jim. 

There was this obstacle corse. It was blown up like a bouncy house. It was very fun, and we also went down these giant also blown up slides, which we went down. It was only two weeks, and it was called Tuffnutterz. 

We went to the parliament house and walked on the grass roof. 

We went to camp, but they called it holiday program. First we did bowling, then the next day we did easter activates. It was not split by age. 

We also found this REALLY fun playground called the pod park. 

Birds come to our yard and they are really pretty.

The library here is smaller than the library in Maryland and it did not have any Garfield books, which is very, very, very sad. 
