The Hotel in Sydney (that was on the 6th floor)


April 1st (Australia time)

 The driver in the big taxi dropped us off at the hotel but it was weird driving on the other side of the road, and the steering wheel was on the other side. When we arrived to the hotel, the person at the front desk said we couldn’t check in yet. Before we could do anything or go anywhere, we had to take Covid tests.  Thankfully we could take rapid covid test (they call them RATs here). We brought some with us to take at the hotel.  We were all negative, so we could leave the hotel.

So, we went to the park and it had a very cool net part with a slide going down: 

We spent a while climbing around on it, then we went to get lunch. The rest of the time we walked around. Then a little while later we signed in to our hotel room. Here is the hotel lobby, it was called Alina:

We got a 2 rooms and 2 bathrooms, we had a kitchen, a living room, a balcony, and a little dinning room table. Me and Lauren shared a little room with a desk and 2 twin beds, it wasn’t a bad room. My parents had the slightly smaller room with a closet and a queen (or king) bed (me and Lauren’s closet are in the hallway, but it is very big. Our balcony has 2 chairs and a little table, it is a very good spot to read. We went to Woolworth’s (People call it Wooly’s here) to get food for our hotel, and here is a picture of some of the chocolate there: 

There are some really different foods/treats here, like: Tim Tam’s, Fairy Bread (bread with sprinkles), Vegemite, Meat Pies, Lamingtons (sponge cake dipped in chocolate and covered in coconut spreads), and so many other things. I’ve tried the Tim Tam’s and a Lamington, but I liked the Tim Tam’s best. We will be driving to our house soon, but it is about 3 hours away.

                                                          A picture of us a tree near our hotel

