New b-day sign for the walls
Caitlyn's birthday card for Lauren
Making birthday treats
Enjoying birthday treats!
Today is/was Lauren's 9th (NINE!?!?!) birthday. Not sure where all the time has gone. Lauren continues to be amazing and keeps us all our on toes. It has been a super busy day celebrating Lauren. She started the day with chocolate chip pancakes (thanks to a delivery of mini semi sweet chocolate chips we got from the US-- we can't find them here). Then she had a video chat with friends from Maryland. Then we went to trampoline place (like skyzone). Then lunch at McDonalds (Lauren's choice). Then we got gelato and walked around a Sunday market. There was a cat in a backpack that the girls got to pet. Then our big kid got her ears pierced. For a second, I thought that we were going to leave with only one ear pierced. Lauren says it hurt more than Caitlyn said it would. But she got them both done in the end.
Lauren says her favorite parts of the day were bouncing and petting the sweet cat we met.
Happy birthday Lauren. We all love you lots!
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