Canberra Day 2024-Quick Trip to the Coast

Over Canberra Day weekend, we took a trip to the coast. Typically when we take the girls to an Australian beach (other than Lady Elliot Island), the weather takes a turn, and it is too cold to get in. This time, however, there was a heat wave, and it was perfect beach weather in March.

We left on Saturday and drove two hours to Pebbly Beach. We came here because there are kangaroos that hang out here, right near the beach. It felt like a very Australian experience that we didn't want to miss. We didn't get in the water here, but it was a quite a nice beach. Shannon wishes we had found it sooner in our tour here.

Playing in the waves at Pebbly Beach

Next on our way up to Mollymook, we stopped in Ulladulla, where there was a "fossil walk" you could take. Since we weren't there during a school break, there were no guided tours, but it was still a lot of fun to explore. 

some fossils

Sunday we spent a perfect day at Mollymook Beach.This was the first beach we've been to that has actually been patrolled. It had a really great set up for families, with bathrooms, a grassy hill nearby, and a beach cafe. The girls and Mike had a fantastic time playing in the waves, even though the girls were taken out a couple of times by the waves! We really lucked out with the weather. 
