Tourists in our own city

In June, we finally went and did a couple of the things that tourists do when they get to Canberra.  We hiked Mount Ainslie for a beautiful view of the city. And then we went and experienced the Last Post Ceremony at the Australian War Memorial.  All in all, it was a really nice day. 

The walk up Mount Ainslie is a bit steep, but doable.  There we saw one of our favorite trees, the Scribbly gum tree. Their distinctive marking (seen below) or  ‘scribbles’ are made by moth larva as it tunnels between the layers of bark.

just another cool tree
Almost to the top.  This view is right before 60+stairs towards the top.
view from the top of Mount Ainslie

walking back down

Australian War Memorial

The Australian War Memorial is quite beautiful. We made it there in time to watch a last post ceremony. The ceremony begins with the Australian National Anthem followed by the  (bag) piper's lament. Visitors are invited to lay wreaths and floral tributes beside the Pool of Reflection. An individual's story is told, and the Ode is recited by Australian Defence Force personnel. The ceremony ends with the sounding of the Last Post (much like our Taps). 

