It is happening

    If you are reading this blog, then you know we have been planning a move to Australia for almost a year now. We are moving to Australia’s capital Canberra. We are very excited for the move and all the things we will get to see and do.  The aim of this blog is to document it to share with you (and so we do not forget all the things that happen). 

    It will be a big, big change. For one thing, Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere, so we leave here in spring and get there in fall.  Caitlyn and Lauren are missing the last quarter of 3rd and 6th grade here and the first quarter of 3rd and 6th grade there. Another big change will be going from public school to an all girls private school, with uniforms. They have rules like “fringe” (bangs) must be above the eyebrows, and all hair that falls below the collar must be pulled back. 

Moving is a lot of work

    For a long time it felt like it may never happen.  First we were supposed to leave at the end of December, but we got delayed until April.  Then we were not even sure that we would be able to get there in April.  However, this week things started to come together and the move process has really begun full swing.  

    First, this past Sunday we had to move our precious kitties, Bart and Loki to their new home with the Moskowitz family (thank you Moskowitz family!!!). 

    That was really, really difficult on all the ladies in our home. As well as on Loki. But it confirmed for us that the move five minutes down the street was better for the boys then a move half way around the world would have been. When we were getting the cats ready to go it was very hard to get Bart into his carrier (Probably because he thought he was going to the vet). It was hard to get Loki in at first, then he relaxed. But when we got in the car Loki was super scared and meowed a lot.

    In true Bart form, Bart basically adjusted to life in the new house right away.  He wandered around the house and surveyed his new territory.  He then allowed his adoring fans to love him.  Loki has been in hiding since we dropped him off. Each day he ventures a little bit out of his hiding place.  We are hoping that he gains confidence soon.

    Here are some pictures of us preparing to say goodbye to our best boys:

    It has been a really hard adjustment being in this house without the kitties. But we feel it will be best for them in the long run. Especially given how hard Loki has taken the move five minutes away. Thanks again to the Moskowitz, who we know will love and spoil the boys in our absence. Without you, I don’t know how we could leave them.

    The next day, movers arrived to pick up all the stuff we are taking with us to Australia. Trying to figure out what we were taking, what we were packing in our luggage, what we were leaving behind, and what was just getting tossed was quite the process.  An exhausting process.  

It took four movers about six hours to box up all our stuff. But before the day was over all our stuff was in boxes:

    We will see it all in a few (one to six months) on the other side of the planet.  Here is hoping most of it arrives intact. 

    Mom and Dad Sanders are busy working on all the logistics behind the move. And the kids are handling the changes with impressive resilience. It is hard for sure, but we are excited to see what all the change will bring. 


